Contractors Guide to Contracting

I'm Steven Grant, and I've spent the last 13 years of my software engineering career as a contractor for a range of clients in the πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ and πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ.

Over the years, I've learned a lot about the contracting world, and I want to share that knowledge with you.

Whether you are new to contracting or been at it a while, I'm hoping there's a little something for everyone.

What others have said

Alan Horne

Knowing Steven and his experience in the contract market, he was the perfect person to help mentor me on the ins and outs of contracting when I started to move into the market myself.

Jamie Hylands

Steven's knowledge (and infinite patience) in helping me widen my skillset from design to the Laravel ecosystem has been invaluable. Anyone wanting to expand their reach into the contracting world is in the right place.

Iain Frame

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James McDonald

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet rump turkey spare ribs shank, hamburger boudin frankfurter ham hock pancetta salami. Jerky porchetta salami, fatback swine chicken pastrami beef ribs landjaeger biltong. Capicola prosciutto leberkas landjaeger. Flank turducken chuck pork loin drumstick tongue ground round ham hock fatback short ribs pancetta turkey. Shank beef ribs frankfurter ribeye cow fatback swine kielbasa biltong. Pork pork chop prosciutto pig.

Launch Notification

I'm in the final throes of editing the. When it's ready, I'll be tackling topics like:

  • Choosing a company strucutre
  • Business insurance
  • Getting paid
  • Business contracts
  • Finding contract work
  • Holidays

To get a free chapter and get notified when the guide is released to purchase, drop your email below.